Bridging the Digital Divide Project

BDD Image


Join SATSA's Bridging the Digital Divide Project with GIZ and atingi,

a campaign to promote tourism as a career and address skills gaps in South Africa.


What Is The Bridging The Digital Divide (BDD) Project


SATSA in partnership with The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Atingi is rolling out the Bridging The Digital Divide Project (BDD), a capacity-building initiative, crafted in synergy with the private sector, designed to bridge the skills deficit in the tourism sector by offering accessible avenues for upskilling.


While holding immense potential, tourism in South Africa has grappled with challenges in drawing skilled and young talent, a situation further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The BDD program offers blended learning that will lead to a digitally inclusive South Africa where every individual, especially women and residents of rural communities, can access digital education, thus paving the way for enhanced employment prospects and personal growth.


Who Is Eligible To Participate?


The target audience/participants of the program are:

  • Owners & Employees of SME tourism businesses
  • Woman in tourism
  • Youth and others interested in opportunities in tourism
  • Educators within the tourism sector
  • Regional partners and community leaders


Whether you are employed in the tourism industry and want to enhance your skills, were previously in the industry and want to return, are a new entrant, have just started thinking about entering the industry, or are an educator who covers Tourism, we want you!


What Will The Training Cover?


The SATSA-guided training will cover:

  • Career in Tourism 
  • Career in Hospitality 
  • Soft skills for tourism professionals 
  • How to manage health and safety 
  • Why tourism should be sustainable 
  • How to make tourism sustainable 
  • Community involvement in tourism


As an added value, these guided sessions include:

  • Interactive Activities: Hands-on exercises and group activities where participants can practice using the atingi platform in real-time.
  • Guest Speakers: They will share their experiences within the tourism and hospitality industry as well as provide valuable insights and tips for effective learning.
  • Peer Learning: Participants can share their experiences, exchange ideas, and offer support to one another in using the platform.
  • Live Demonstrations: Schedule live demonstrations of advanced features or functionalities of the atingi platform by experienced users or trainers, allowing participants to see practical examples of how to maximize the platform's capabilities.


Supplementary to the SATSA offering, the atingi platform provides access to 45 tourism-relevant self-paced courses, clustered into thematic learning pathways as follows (Just click on the course title to follow the link): 


 Introduction to Professions in the Tourism Sector
 A Career in Tourism
 A Career in Hospitality
 Tour Guiding 1: Roles and Responsibilities of the Guide Profession
 What it means to be a Tourism Entrepreneur
 Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality
 Fundamentals of Tourism & Hospitality
 Foundations of Food & Beverage Business
 Soft Skills for Tourism Business
 Customer Service for Tourism Businesses
 Fundamentals of Housekeeping
 Fundamentals of Gastronomy
 Foundations of Food & Beverage Business
 Customer Service for Tourism Businesses
 Quick Start English Vocabulary for Tourism
 How to manage Health & Safety
 Adjusting Health, Safety & Hygiene to COVID-19
 Tourism Marketing
 How to Research Markets & Sales Channels
 Explore Pricing & Promotion
 Introduction to Digital Marketing for Tourism Businesses
 Development & Management of Tourism Products
 Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Tourism
 What it means to be a Tourism Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneurship for Tourism Business
 Calculations for Tourism
 How to Research Markets & Sales Channels
 Explore Pricing & Promotion
 Development & Management of Tourism Products
 Customer Service and Management in Tourism
 Soft Skills for Tourism Business
 Customer Service for Tourism Businesses
 Customer Care & Complaint Management
 Quick Start English Vocabulary for Tourism
 Empowerment and Human Rights in Tourism
 Women’s Rights & Gender Equality in Tourism
 Decent Work Conditions in Tourism
 Child Protection in Tourism
 Community Involvement in Tourism
 Essentials in Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality Management
 Introduction to Green & Clean Tourism
 Why Tourism Business should be Sustainable
 How to Create a Sustainable Tourism Business
 Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Practices
 Water Management in Hospitality
 The Future of Sustainable Hospitality
 Energy Efficiency in Hospitality
 Waste Management & Circular Economy in Hospitality
 Sustainable Food Management in Hospitality
 Decent Work Conditions in Tourism
 Health, Safety & Hygiene in Tourism Businesses
 How to manage Health & Safety
 How to implement COVID-19 & Hygiene Standards
 Adjusting Health, Safety & Hygiene to COVID-19
 Resilience/ Risk Management for Tourism Businesses
 Resilience in Tourism 1: Resilience and Sustainable Development
 Resilience in Tourism 2: Risk in Tourism
 Resilience in Tourism 3: Addressing Risks in Tourism
 Resilience in Tourism 4: Business Response to Crisis and Disaster
 Resilience in Tourism 5: Building Long-Term Resilience
 Tour Guiding
 Tour Guiding 1: Roles and Responsibilities of the Guide Profession
 Tour Guiding 2: Key Guiding Skills I – Storytelling and Presentation Skills
 Tour Guiding 3: Key Guiding Skills II - How to talk about…
 Tour Guiding 4: Principles of Group Psychology
 Tour Guiding 5: Health & Safety for Tour Guides
 Tour Guiding 6: Dealing with Customer Complaints and Emergencies
 Tour Guiding 7: Cultural Heritage Interpretation
 Tour Guiding 8: Nature and Adventure Guiding
 Individual Course
 Computing Skills for Business


Program Dates & Contact Information 


The BDD program rolls out between February - September 2024.


Training Sessions and Invitations will be published through the SATSA Weekly News and on the SATSA Website (Events & Training)


To find out more about the project, please contact:




How much does it cost to attend these sessions?

SATSA can bring you this fantastic free opportunity through our newly signed partnership with Atingi which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in international cooperation with the Smart Africa Alliance and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


How else can we become part of this project?

Any public or private sector organisation are also invited to join hands with us in rolling out this opportunity in your communities. Please Email the Project Manager should this be of interest.


What if I have more questions?

Email the Project Manager